The qualitative characteristics of water resources
The source of life of all living things on the planet is water and it includes itself the problems of its using. One of the main problems is the using of water. The system water has a great potential for groundwater with exploitation exceed 300 cubic km in year. Water consumption has a profound impact on the process of ecological changing. The correct water consumption can prevent the occurrence of negative processes in the environment. For example: The main consumers of surface water in Pavlodar are industries, which use about 35% of total consumption of natural surface water sources, agriculture – 26%, and combined heat and power – 24%. For public services will be consumed about 4% water, and fish — only 1%. At the same time the share of groundwater accounts for about 10% of total water consumption.
In view of the transboundary provisions of the Irtysh River, its water intake of toxicants begins at the border with Kazakhstan, China. The length of the river on the territory of Kazakhstan is 1718 km.
Due to the transboundary position the Irtysh River the entry of toxicants into its water begins at bordering with Kazakhstan, China. The length of the river on the territory of Kazakhstan is 1718 km.
In addition to industrial sources copper entered the environment as a result of burning coal and oil. This activity is prevalent in winter. At this time, copper compounds are deposited on snow and then with melt water comes to the surface waters. The rest of the time, these compounds accumulate either directly by surface waters or soil cover, from which enter the runoff water to the rivers.
Thus, increasing the number of negative factors, human and technical results reduce water’s quality in the Irtysh River. We can observe the action of the basic philosophy of law — transition from quantitative change to qualitative change. Relatively water resource, the law becomes a negative coloring, as the quality of drinking water depends directly on public health of Pavlodar region.