During the holidays


Form: 3 а-ә

The theme of the lesson: During the holidays

The Aims of the lesson:

  1. Educational:  to get to know with pupils, to speak about themselves;
  2. Developing:  to develop pupils` skills and habits in monologic and dialogic speech;
  3. Up- bringing:  to bring up pupils to work in collaboration, to listen to each other;
  4. Practical: to train pupils in usage their vocabulary; to practice them in real use of language.


The form of the lesson: traditional

The type of the lesson: combined

The equipment of the lesson:

  1. visual aids: flash cards
  2. Distributing materials
  3. Literature: English 3


The plan of the lesson:

  1. Organizational moment:
  1. greeting
  2. making absents
  3. dialogue with the pupils about the date, day, weather.
  1. Warming-up / Phonetic drill
  2. Basic part of the lesson
  1. work with the cards
  2. playing games
  1. Concluding stage:
  1. giving home tasks
  2. marking



The modern of the lesson


                Stages Activities
Organization moment — Good morning/ afternoon, children.

— Sit down, please.

— How are you?

— Ok, let`s begin our lesson.

— Who is on duty today?

— Who is absent today?

— What date is today?

— What day is it today?


Warming up/ phonetic drill The song: “Clap your hands”
Basic part of the lesson 1) Checking hometask. Ex.5 p. 20 w/b


2) New words: men, women, children, feet, geese, mice, pasture the sheep, look after, feed the hens, grandparents.


3) Show the pictures: train, 8 (on p. 24) Explain that ai and ei sound the same [ei]

4) Ex. 1 p. 24 (CD №17) – Listen, point and repeat.


5) ex. 2 p. 24 – Listen and tick.


Nail, weigh, rain, eighteen, train.


6) Ex. 3 p. 24 – Write.


7) Remember: the plural form of the noun. Game with the ball

T: cat

Pl: cats

T: book

Pl: books

(Одан әрі ережеге бағынбайтын сөздер, кестеге қарап, оқып шығу)


T: tooth

Cl: teeth

T: child

Pl: children


8) Ex. 4 p. 25 – Read and circle.

Answers: men, women, children, teeth, geese, mice, fish, sheep.




Concluding stage:

— Giving home tasks

— Marking


Ex.7 p. 27 p/b

Good bye, children!










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