Our school


Form: 3  

The theme of the lesson: Our school

The Aims of the lesson:

  1. Educational: learn and practice new vocabulary;
  2. Developing: to develop pupils` skills and habits in monologic and dialogic speech;
  3. Up- bringing: to bring up pupils to work in collaboration, to listen to each other;
  4. Practical: to train pupils in usage their vocabulary; practice scanning and further observation skills.


The form of the lesson: traditional

The type of the lesson: combined

The equipment of the lesson:

  1. visual aids:
  2. Distributing materials
  3. Literature: English, Zinoveva L.A.



The plan of the lesson:

  1. Organizational moment:
  2. greeting
  3. making absents
  4. dialogue with the pupils about the date, day, weather.
  5. Warming-up / Phonetic drill
  6. Basic part of the lesson
  7. Introduction
  8. playing games
  9. Concluding stage:
  10. giving home tasks
  11. marking



The modern of the lesson


  1. Organization moment

— Good morning, dear children! Glad to see you. I want you to greet each other. Turn to each other, smile and say “Hello!”

Let’s start our lesson.



  1. Warming up/ phonetic drill

Together, together,
Together every day.
Together, together,
We work and play.

  • Basic part of the lesson
    1. New words: first, second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, tenth; cloakroom, canteen, hall, library, floor, gym.

Revise: school, classroom, big, computer room.


  1. Game Snake: Тақтаға бірінші тоқсанда өткен сөздерді жазып, ойынды бастастаймыз. Оқушылар сөзді соңғы дыбысынан басталатын сөз тауып, оны оқиды да, бірінші сөздің жанына жазады. Осылайша сөздерден «жылан» п.б.


Lake           gate           eight         rain         eighteen   dinosaur      Autumn        nail



For example:



T: dinosaur   Pl: rain    Pl: nail    Pl: lake     Pl: eight


  1. 1 p. 40 (CD №28) – Listen, point and repeat.
  2. 2 p. 40 – Listen and tick








  1. 3 p. 40 – Write
  2. Remember:
  • Реттік сан есімдерді айту: one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten
  • Алғашқы үш сан тұтастай өзгереді: the first, the second, the third.
  • Қалған сан есімдерге – th жұрнағы жалғанады.


1st – first

2nd – second

3rd —  third

the 4th — fourth

5th — fifth

6th — sixth

7th – seventh

8th — eighth

9th — ninth

10th – tenth

  1. Listen and repeat (CD №29) – Listen and repeat.
  2. 5 p. 41 – Ask and answer.



Who is the first? Ademy is the first.

Who is the second? Bobby is the second.

Who is the third? Kanat is the third.

Who is the fourth? Adil is the fourth.

Who is the fifth? Asem is the fifth.

Who is the sixth? Masha is the sixth.

Who is the seventh? Kate is the seventh.

Who is the eighth? Vova is the eighth.

Who is the ninth? Liza is the ninth.

Who is the tenth? Abai is the tenth.


(Үстел үстіндегі заттарға сұрақ қою What is the first?… )

  1. 6 p. 42 (CD №30) – Listen, point and repeat.

Floor сөзін түсіндіргенде «қабат» сөзіне мән беру. Бұл сөздің мағынасы барлық тілде бірдей емес. Англияда 1-ші қабат – the ground floor, 2-ші қабат — the first floor.

Ағылшын және қазақ тілдерінде «еден» сөзінің лингвомәдени мәнінде айырмашылық жоқ: The floor is clean. – Еден таза.

Ex. 7 p. 42 (CD №31) – Listen and read.

Ex. 8 p. 43 – Speaking.

Hometask: Ex. 7 p. 32 w/b

  1. Concluding stage:

The lesson is over. You were active and work very well. See you soon.



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